About Us

I am so happy to be sharing a little bit about Jason and I with you. We’ve had an incredible journey together so far and I’m excited to see where the future takes us! 

Jason and I have been together since 2008. We actually met in kindergarten, at Irvine Elementary, so we thought it would be fun to name our company after our childhood connection (Irvine Ventures Ltd). In grade 7 I moved away and we lost touch for 22 years, but connected again on facebook and the rest is history.

In 2015 we joined REIN (Real Estate Investment Network) and that’s what really catapulted our success. We bought our first investment property in 2016 and since then we have enjoyed many different real estate strategies, from flips to foreclosures to new builds to buy and holds.

We are passionate about creating partnerships where we can help people who have always wanted to get into real estate investing but don’t have the time, knowledge or expertise to actually do it. For us, it’s about creating a win/win.

Jason has a background in construction and is incredibly talented at it. In his “day job” he has a business fixing leaky condo’s. But, truth be told, he’s actually incredibly talented at building anything, whether it be a house, a piece of furniture or a car. He loves solving problems – the bigger the problem, the more determined he becomes to find a solution! He’s incredible at it!

My background is in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and I have been training, coaching and consulting professionals since 2000. My focus has been on helping successful business people achieve the next level of success, both personally and professionally. Truth be told, I can’t build anything, but I’m really good at scheduling, project managing and design. What really lights me up is that I love people, love building successful relationships and love creating win/wins for everyone!

We love real estate investing and the opportunities it provides. If you love real estate too, let’s connect!

We are always open to the next challenge, we’re willing to do what it takes to get the job done and most importantly, we want to create great relationships with our partners, where we all win and get to live the lives we want to live! Life is short, so you’ve got to enjoy it while you can!

We look forward to getting to know you better, and if it’s a fit, we’d love to explore the possibility of partnering and creating success together!

Cheers to your successes,

Jason & Melanie